Where we got it from
What is it
Description/ how it relates to
the site: value for the site
Result for the site
LEP 2012 - Land Zoning(LZN) Map
Page 23 RDCP- Mosman council
Low Density
Residential – R2
Low Density
Lot sizes shall not change size in any direction
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Height and floor space ratio
Maximum building height: 8.5 m
Max wall height 7.2m
Max two storey+ attic space
Building shall not exceed 8.5m
tall and a wall height of 7.2m
with the exception that the roof is flat, therefore max 8.5m.
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Building setbacks
The front of the building is to have a minimum of 9.0m from the street
Setbacks from the street must be the same as other pre-existing
buildings in the vicinity
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structures and excavation
Minimum of 2m from the side of the property boundary.
Exception to this for shallow excavation of max 1.0m
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The basement setbacks
Basement area setback must be equivalent to ground floor.
Basement area setback must be equivalent to ground floor.
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Development from site
Single storey wall height< 3.6m, must be 900mm from site boundary
Two storey must be setback from 1.5m from site boundary
Refer to left block
Residential buildings need not exceed 2 storeys, thus the information
provided is adequate.
Page 29 RDCP- Mosman council
Topography and vegetation of site must be considered
Minimise cut and fill in on
the site and should work to preserve existing trees and topography of the
The new building should maintain and Minimise cut and fill and should
work to preserve existing trees on the site.
Page 33 RDCP- Mosman council
Views and view sharing
Design must minimise view loss to adjoining properties however
maximise opportunity within own building
Development must not significantly obstruct views from 1m to a window
or balcony 1m in depth
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Planting vegetation
Trees with a light open foliage and canopy are preferred and must not
overly obstruct neighbouring views
Species such as Leyland cypress (Leighton Green) and its cultivators
should not be planted.
Page 37 RDCP- Mosman council
Landscaping area
Minimum landscaped area for R2 should be
30% (where site area is 500sqm or less
50% where the site area is 900m2
for propertys between 500 and 900m2 follow below equation.
LA = (30+((SA-500))%20)
LA = minimum of 48.6m2
Check the site area and refer back to the document
Total property area: 713m2
Therefore minimum Landscaped area = 48.6m2
Page 39 RDCP- Mosman council
Removal of existing trees
Existing trees must be checked with council urban forest managements
list to ensure protected trees aren’t destroyed.
Existing trees must be approved before they can be cut down in
reference to the Mosman urban forest management list. In the case where trees are approved for
removal, adequate space must be made for a replacement tree/s.
Page 39 RDCP- Mosman council
Vegetation and landscaping
Must be in keeping with theme of the streetscape, if a predominant
one exists.
Must also Soften the building form. Must be considerate to safety
reasoning such as maintaining visibility to driveways, kerbs, vehicles and
pedestrians and should where required offer privacy between buildings.
Landscaping and vegetation must be considered to be in keeping with
the streetscape theme, if a predominant one exists.
Part 5
Page 48 RDCP- Mosman council
Streetscape and building design
Encouraged to include articulated façade
Void areas under or within ground level is discouraged.
Design must use space efficiently.
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Architectural appearance concerning pitched roof buildings.
The matching of external finishes are generally encouraged.
Roof pitch should not be excessive.
Materials, colours and proportions of roofs and extensions must be in
keeping with the local streetscape of neighbouring buildings.
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Architectural appearance concerning flat roofed buildings.
Particular cure to detail must be taken for the designing of the
junction between wall and roof on a flat roof design.
Deep eaves are encouraged.
Air-conditioning units should be integrated into design
The design must satisfy or give adequate the left column description.
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Materials and finishes
Should be sympathetic to the streetscape.
Single colour finishes and or materials within large areas of none-
articulated walls is discouraged.
The design must use multiple colours or materials if wall is
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Reflective materials
Highly reflective materials on north facing façade are discouraged.
Attention to reflection on walls facing north must be made in design
to ensure minimisation of glare to neighbouring houses and dwellings.
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Gardens and hard surface area
in front of property boundary and between building setback should
minimised Hard surface and garden maximised
Courtyards in front of house are discouraged and gardens encouraged.
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Amenities and services
Articulated structures located in front of building should not be
salience on the site
Carports, garages, fences, garbage bin areas etc. are not to be dominant features on the site
if visible from street and should be recessed behind the face of the structure
to minimise dominance.
Page 53 RDCP- Mosman council
Garages and carport designs
No garages are permitted forward from the building alignment.
Single carport allowed forward of the building alignment granted the
property has no access handle, no heritage item, site sufficient width so
carport does not dominate existing buildings (not exceed 40% of front of
block), distance between building and front property boundary is min of 5.5m,
simple posted design, no solid panel lift or roller shutter door, minimum visibility impact.
No taller than one storey high.
Not incorporate decks or patios on roof.
Page 57 RDCP- Mosman council
Fences and walls
No barbed wired fences that are to be electrified
factory pre coloured metal fences are discouraged.
Maximum of 1.2m high above footpath level
Maybe 1.8m tall of solid material provided the fence acts as an
effective noise barrier and must be setback from the boundary.
Spacing’s between pickets should not be greater than 25% of the width
of picket. Picket fences above the 1.2 height, spacing should not be greater
than 50% of width of picket. side fences and rear fences should not be higher
than 1.8 m as measured from the low side of a sloping sight.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Privacy and security
For new dwellings and additions, habitable rooms windows with a
direct sightline to the habitable room windows or private open space in an
adjacent dwelling within 9m.
Design for such windows must
be either:
Offset according to width of adjacent windows
Still heights 1.6m above floor level
Permanently fixed translucent glazing of the
window below 1.6m above floor level
Above balconies, terraces, decks, verandahs to
mitigate overlooking.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Privacy in habitable room.
New dwelling houses at least 24sqm of principal private open space
must be provided
Privacy in habitable room that is not a bedroom (living room), at
least 4m wide, is ground level and not steeper than 1:50 gradient, on sloping
sights where this may be difficult to achieve, an alternative design may be
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RDCP- Mosman council
Noise control
Consolidating noise source to face away or towards noise barrier to
minimise noise pollution
Design must emulate such considerations.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Street viewing
Dwellings should be orientated towards the street with entrances and
street numbering clearly visible.
One habitable room window must have an outlook to the street or open
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RDCP- Mosman council
Landscaping and intruder avoidance
Landscaping design should be considered in terms of security to the
Avoid landscape that allows offender place to hide or entrap victim
(avoid medium height vegetation with top to bottom foliage)
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RDCP- Mosman council
Effective lighting
Lighting of Public and private places should be considered in the
design as not to produce a nuisance for neighbours.
Lighting of Public and private places should not produce glare, dark
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RDCP- Mosman council
Solar access
Buildings should be orientated to allow maximum sunlight
> 3 hours of sunlight available on 21 June (midwinter).
Care should be taken when building to a closely proximate
neighbouring building as not to overshadow or be overshadowed.
Sunlight available in march and September not be reduced between 9am
and 3pm.
Windows should be appropriated located, sized and shadowed to reduce
summer heat load and permit entry of sun in winter. Windows to a habitable
room should open to sky or a Veranda.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Energy efficiency
Buildings orientated to ensure max sunlight and ventilation.
Design must include incorporation of energy efficient technologies.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Thermal insulation
Construction must incorporate thermal insulation within the building
Suitable for climate conditions of the area.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Building materials
Buildings materials must be non-polluting and during construction
methods put in place to minimise environmental impact
Selection of materials must be conscious of environmental impact.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Solar hot water systems
Encouraged to be installed on all new developmental buildings.
Buildings should be designed to maximise use of available natural
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RDCP- Mosman council
Water consumption
To minimise building water consumption of the occupier.
Incorporate water efficient appliances with min star rating of 3.
Install dual flush toilets
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RDCP- Mosman council
Transport, access and parking
Limit driveways minimise visual impact, max parking space and street
Vehicle crossings should not be more then 3m in width.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Car park spaces
Standard car park space of 5.5m x 2.4m. 1.5 spaces per 3 bedroom
dwelling 1 visitor space per 4 dwelling.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Accessible buildings and adaptable housing
All houses to comply with the building code of Australia (BCA) the disability
(access to premises- building) standard 2013 and Australiana building
standards AS 1428.
Design must be suitable for disabled persons and must be built to
comply the Australians standards for construction and disabilities.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Site facilities
To have adequate provision made for site facilities.
Air conditioned units must be screened if visible from street.
Letterbox clearly visible and located at front boundary line with lot
Storage areas should be lockable and integrated visually with other
building elements.
Provide external clothes drying area with access to sun or breeze.
Satellite or V aerial dishes are to be located at the rear of the
building in order to minimise intrusion with streetscape.
RDCP- Mosman council
Stormwater management
Minimise adverse effects of stormwater
Retain existing trees and vegetation where possible.
Minimise non-porous surfaces.
Must contain downstream easement to connect to council’s drainage
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RDCP- Mosman council
Excavation and site management.
Obtain as much as possible the original environmental integrity and
minimise site disturbance.
Minimise cut fill requirements.
Reconstituted ground levels must not be lower than 2m of an adjoining
level and must not be higher than the ground level of an adjoining property.
Existing natural features are to be retained and incorporated as
landscape features on the site.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Swimming pools, spa pools and baths and water features
Appropriately located to minimise the visual impact of structure and
their impact on the amenity of adjoining residence.
Pools are to be located at the rear of main building line.
Pool/spa/water feature must be setback from property boundary by min
of 2m to external edge of pool surroundings.
Should be at or below ground level.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Waterfront locations and fencing
Pools/spas must be located above the mean high water mark (MHWM).
Disturbance to the occupants of adjoining property and building is
Child resistant barrier must be constructed or installed in
accordance with the requirements of the swimming pool act 1992.
Water features and mechanical features must minimise acoustic
pollution with neighbours.
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RDCP- Mosman council
Mosman character
Buildings should assimilate in scale, design assertiveness, material
or similar qualities of the Mosman area.
Design must be sympathetic to the overall character of the Mosman
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RDCP- Mosman council
Balmoral Townscape
Architectural diversity
Limit bulky architecture
Limit horizontal emphasis across allotment
Facades that address the street
Discourage excessive glazing.
Design must attempt to utilise common material aspects such as red
brick render, timber, terra cotta tiles and complex roof patterns- steeply
pitched with gables, hips and chimneys providing texture.